Sunday, January 31, 2010

Week 17

We have officially passed the half-way mark in our school year! We are currently studying Creation to the Greeks from My Father's World curriculum.. What a blessing this curriculum has been to us for the past three years! We have learned so much together, as a family, seeing how God's hand has moved throughout history. The first half of this year has taken us from Creation, the Flood, the dispersion at the Tower of Babel, God's calling of Abraham, the Exodus, and finally into the Promised Land. We've studied ancient Sumer, Babylon, and Egypt. Science has been based on the six days of Creation and pyramids. We've enjoyed celebrating a few Jewish feast days as well.
Our study of ancient Egypt has taken a few months and the kids were excited to celebrate with a grand finale! They made wigs and costumes, painted their eyes Egyptian style, and we ate an Egyptian meal of fish, pita bread, figs, grapes and nuts. It was a fun time!

Here are some pictures that highlight what our year has looked like so far.

Egyptian Princesses


Royal Wig Makers

Art Lesson in Frustration

Pyramid Science

Cuneiform Cookies!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

AWANA Quizzing

Saturday was our big day of AWANA quizzing. This was Jacob's first year entering and he did a great job. The kids all worked very hard -- there was a TON to memorize! The boys in his level earned 2nd place. It's so great for them to hide God's Word in their hearts!

Monday, January 18, 2010

A New Blog for a New Year

It's 2010! We've been given the gift of a new year. There's so much to do and learn. This year we put together a list of our family goals: that we would increase in our love for God and one another, that we would be eager learners, always growing, and living our lives in service to others. Hence, the new blog. We hope it will serve as a tool of accountability for us as well as a fun way to chronicle our everyday adventures.


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