Saturday, November 19, 2011

Homeschool Highlights -- First Grade Day 59

Homeschool Fieldtrip
 It's been a few weeks since I posted about school and this time I want to focus on MFW First Grade.  We are now on day 59 in the lesson plans and are finally starting the Bible Notebook.  I love the Bible notebooking pages!  We have completely left out the science and are joining in with the Exploration to 1850 science.  It's  a great year to combine with a younger student as it's all about the 
animal kingdom.  Kayla also joins us in history and Bible.

Finger knitting is a new hobby to keep little hands busy!
Knitting a scarf for her doll.

Making butter during our study of the New Amsterdam Colony.

These old-fashioned games aren't too easy!

More finger knitting!

 We made Johnny cakes and apple butter along with 
hasty pudding
during our study of the colonies.

Embroidery -- another hobby to keep little fingers busy!

Seed Collection
Science Notebook Page

Our little Spark!  She just finished memorizing Psalm 23.

Bible Notebook
This is a neat, hands-on way to learn math facts.

 Sunshine Cafe is so much fun for all the kids!  I made up 
a menu of some of our more common lunches and   Kayla takes
the orders and adds them up.  I laminated the little tally sheets 
so they can be reused.

That's a glimpse into our First Grade!

To see more Homeschool Highlights vist

Friday, November 11, 2011

Extreme Raptor Saturday

Jacob's Peregrine Falcon
Last weekend we attended the Extreme Raptor Saturday at a nearby Audubon Nature Center.  It was a treat to get so close to these magnificent creatures!  It was such a beautiful fall day to hike on the trails and enjoy God's creation.  This was such a well-run event and a true learning experience.  The bird handlers all encouraged questions and inspired interest.  We will definitely be going back again!

Skywalker, Red-Tailed Hawk

Tallulah, Turkey Vulture

Tskili, Great Horned Owl

Nala, Peregrine Falcon

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Fall Fun

We've enjoyed this fall season so much.  We've taken advantage of the sunny, warm days with nature walks, bike rides, and a trip to the pumpkin farm.  Soon winter will be upon us and we'll be confined to the warm and cozy house for days on end.  So for now, we'll be enjoying fall!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Fall Art Gallery

Here are a few of the kids' most recent works of art.


Fall Scene


Robin Hood Becomes an Outlaw

Noble Bird

Dragon Attack

Wild Horses

Horse in the Moonlight

Cattails in Sunset

Wild Horses

The Pie


Riding Horseback

Rainbow Princess

Monday, October 17, 2011

Homeschool Highlights Week 6

We had a full schedule this week and accomplished a lot in all of our subjects.   In Bible we continued with the Plan A James memory work.  So far, so good!  We are actually keeping up and have memorized through verse 15.  The Teacher's Manual had a neat suggestion to spur the kids on.  We bought a weekly pill box from Walgreen's and filled each day with 3 Skittles -- one for each of the 3 times they review the verses.  It has helped us to keep on top of things.

Our History topics included the founding of the New Amsterdam/New York Colony, tobacco in Virginia and the slave trade, and Angola.  We played 9 pins, a game similar to bowling and a favorite during the colonial era.  We also made butter.
Jacob's Notebooking Page

Shaking up the cream for a LONG time!

We started our new read aloud, Amos Fortune Free Man, but the kids do not want to hear any more of it.  They are very sensitive, and the horrors of slavery just make them upset!  It looks like a great book, though, so I am going to read it myself and give them a synopsis.

Birds were the topic for Science and we learned a great deal.  

Our soda bottle bird feeder.

Building edible nests.
Eating the nests!

Dissecting owl pellets was both fascinating and.....
This came with the kit we ordered.

A few of the bones we found.

Grace's Notebooking Pages

Our Music appreciation studies included a thrilling recital by Spanish pianist, Daniel del Pino.  He played an entire program of HUGE works, one after the other, with ease.  He was an inspiration to the kids as they practice for their upcoming recital.

Daniel del Pino
Practice, practice, and more practice!

 For Art we concluded our 6-week study of Pieter Breugel.  We did picture studies of a few of his works and the kids have started to put together an album of all of the works we study.

That's our week in a nutshell!  To view other Homeschool Highlights in My Father's World go to Discover Their Gifts.


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